How To Start Making Beats (10 Things to Do) for Beat Makers
How To Start Making Beats (10 Things to Do) for Beat Makers Becoming a Beat Maker, I am going to tell you is easy. It's getting into the mindset that you take it as a business/brand. Getting started, simply pick a DAW and stick with that DAW. I am not going to tell you what is best that is up to you. Learning everything about your craft starts with research. I know, I know what you are asking yourself. Do I need to learn Music Theory? Hell, Yes you do. I am not going to be one of these tricksters that want to sell you guru packages. Look it's your craft learn as much as you can that will make you better. That goes for marketing. arrangements, promotion, daw selection, video, and so on you get the point. Make yourself knowledgeable of everything and anything dealing with making music. I am telling you, it will make you stand out in rooms. So you want to be a Beat Maker or Music Producer? Let's make this clear this is not a know-it-all-based Blog nor do I care what most thin...